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Audit: NDSU spent $24K on unused hotels | WDAY | Fargo, ND

FARGO, N.D. (AP) ? North Dakota State University spent more than $24000 on unused hotel rooms and more than $15000 to send two employees to seminars by motivational speaker Tony Robbins, according to an audit released Thursday that ...
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Moorhead woman reunited with nurses who saved her life | WDAY ...

And it was a chance for Judy to thank who she calls her guardian angels. One other nurse who helped on that flight found out the Wegges were trying to contact her. She called them just before leaving for vacation Mexico. ...
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Audit creating a trust issue with NDSU students | WDAY | Fargo, ND

As we first told you at 6, a new audit report shows the university spent tens of thousand of dollars from 2008 to 2009 on unused hotel rooms, premium tickets for motivational speaking events, and several other questionable uses of ...
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